Professional Manufacturer
of Wear Resistant Ceramics
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Booth No.:886-1B, April 25-29th ,2016, Pingxiang Chemshun Ceramics CO.,Ltd will attend Expomin 2016 Santiago, Chile. [03-21 15:06]
Expomin 2016  April 25, 2016 - April 29, 2016  Santiago, Chile  Espacio Riesco Convention Center, Avenida El Salto 5000, Region Metropolitana  Expomin is considered the second most important expo in world mining and the most important in Latin America. S
Large diameter alumina ceramic tube by isostatic pressing [03-21 09:39]
lumina ceramic lined pipe offered from chemshun ceramics is wear protection solution
Booth No.25629 of South hall,26-28th,September,2016 Chemshun will attend the Exhibition MINExpo INTERNATIONAL in LAS VEGAS,NEVADA,USA, [03-20 15:30]
MINExpo INTERNATIONAL? 2016 is the world's largest and most comprehensive exposition Dedicated to mining equipment, products ,And services. Our booth location is: 25629 of South Hall. Welcome your visiting us on booth No.25629 of South hall.
corrision and wear resistant ceramic pipe tile reduce pipeline project cost [03-18 09:54]
Alumina ceramic pipe liner as wear resisatnt ceramics mainly used is more cost effective
The comprehensive advantages of wear resistant welding ceramic liner [03-16 14:07]
CHEMSHUN wear ceramic liner as wear resistant materials for coal handling
How alumina ceramic linings as wear resistant materials applied in mining industry ? [03-14 16:29]
miners need to wear resistant ceramics for reduction spending
wear resistant ceramics improve mining equipment [03-12 09:14]
chemshun wear resistant ceramics improve industrial wear damange by epoxy resin glue water
Wear maintenance solution by wear resistant ceramics [03-11 09:32]
chemshun ceramics offer wear resistant ceramics for industrial wear maintenance
Wear Resistant Ceramics for Industries Mining and Metal Processing from CHEMSHUN [03-10 08:55]
CHEMSHUN served industrial maintenance for Copper Mining Processing,Coal Preparation,Cement Industry
Wear ceramic liner property [03-07 09:01]
chemshun ceramics offer wear ceramic liner as chute liner
Wear resistant ceramic adhesive aging performance discrimination method [03-05 10:55]
chemshun ceramics not only offer alumina ceramic linings products ,but also suggest high quality ceramimc adhesive glue water
Wear-resistant ceramic pipes are widely used in Ash removal [03-03 15:42]
chemshun alumina ceramics lined pipe can sovle pipeline ash removal problem
Wear resistant ceramics fan FAQs and Notes [03-02 08:51]
wear resistant ceramics fan is necessary operation equipment in power plants, cement production.
Six Features for wear resistant ceramics, abrasive metal materials can not match [03-01 08:32]
chemshun alumina ceramics linings as abrasive materials ,which includes wear resistant plate , ceramic tube pipe liner, rubber ceramic liner, hexagonal tile, ceramic cylinder etc
Wear damage Analysis about material Handling elbow pipe [02-26 09:45]
ear resistant ceramics design,manfacture,installation experts for indutrial wear protection
Total number of records:850 | Pages:57  <...45464748495051525354...>  

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ADD:Non-metal area of shangliuyuan, Economic development zone, pingxiang city, Jiangxi province, P.R.China

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  • TEL:+86-799-6790781
  • FAX:+86-799-6790785 Postcode:337000
  • Non-metal area of shangliuyuan, Economic developmentzone, pingxiang city, Jiangxi province, P.R.China.
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